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Sep 4, 2022
Florence: Street Art & Oddities, pt. 2
Beyond the Duomo and the David, Florence hosts a wealth of surprise street art, fun architectural details, and free art installations....
May 28, 2022
Tuscany: What's blooming in May?
It's hard to believe we're 3 months into the flowering season here in Tuscany, and after our February magnolias, March cherry trees, and...
May 1, 2022
On the Road in Southern Tuscany: Pitigliano, Sovana, Sorano & Saturnia
Tuscany is so big, there are still places I've never seen in my 25 years of guiding here. So I was thrilled to have the chance to visit...
Feb 27, 2022
Florence: what's blooming in February?
It's still cold outside with nighttime temps around freezing, but the days are getting warmer and the sun is bringing out the first...
Feb 13, 2022
Winter in Tuscany: San Gimignano, Volterra & Pisa
Most people think of Italy as a summer destination and come for the beaches and al fresco dining, but that's also when it's hot and...
Nov 27, 2021
November in Florence: Fewer Tourists, Cheaper Prices, and a Gentle Sun
Sure, the weather may be risky in November, but it's also a great time to visit the Tuscany. Most of the tourists have gone home, the...
Oct 6, 2021
Autumn in Tuscany: Crisp days, Stormy nights
Buongiorno! I can't believe it's been a month since my last post! I've been traveling a lot and actually had one TOUR (Greek Islands...
Mar 1, 2021
Pitti Palace: the Modern Art Collection
Hey, it's museum day! I managed a quick visit to the imposing Pitti Palace a few weeks ago, right before they shut the museums down again...
Feb 23, 2021
Florence: Street Art & Oddities
Wandering the streets of Florence you see all sorts of interesting things, from the ancient to the modern... In a city known for...
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